请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Illumina/MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit (75-cycles)/FC-420-1001/1 Ea-蚂蚁淘商城

Illumina/MiniSeq High Output Reagent Kit (75-cycles)/FC-420-1001/1 Ea


Product Highlights:

MiniSeq System sequencing reagent kits bring the power and reliability of proven Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) to labs of all sizes. Access cost-efficient sequencing with high data quality, even for low numbers of samples. These kits offer:

  • Robust base calling and optimal signal-to-noise ratio
  • Multiple options for both sequencing output and read length
  • Simple workflow that reduces chance for error through the integration of clustering, sequencing and wash reagents into a single cartridge
  • Intuitive labeling and RFID-encoded reagents
  • Optimized chemistry with the latest in Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry
Configurations for various applications

MiniSeq Reagent Kits offer a wide range of solutions for applications ranging from gene expression and small RNA profiling to targeted DNA amplicon sequencing and small genome sequencing. High accuracy and paired-end sequencing capability are built into every reagent kit.

Ready-to-use cartridges redefine ease of use

Preconfigured reagent kits for the MiniSeq System provide all the components needed for cluster generation, sequencing and wash on the platform in 1 premixed, integrated, RFID-enabled cartridge. Simply load user-prepared library pools directly into the MiniSeq System. The system automatically performs all steps necessary for template amplification and sequencing without user intervention.

The kits deliver powerful sequencing chemistries with as little as 10 minutes of hands-on time. Intuitive labeling and RFID-encoded reagents ensure compatibility with user-defined run configurations.


Maximum Output7.5 Gb (300-cycle high output kit), 3.75 Gb (150-cycle high output kit), 2.4 Gb (300-cycle mid output kit), 1.875 Gb (75-cycle high output kit)
Maximum Reads Per RunUp to 25 million (high output kits), Up to 8 million (mid output kits)
Reagent TypePaired-End Sequencing,Cluster Generation,Sequencing by Synthesis
System CompatibilityMiniSeq

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.com/b20-illumina/info-1546766355.html

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