请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! 酸性本质无序区 (IDR) 在异质复合物形成中的意外作用 - HMGBiotech Srl - HMGB1 重组人蛋白,HMGBiotech-蚂蚁淘商城

酸性本质无序区 (IDR) 在异质复合物形成中的意外作用 - HMGBiotech Srl - HMGB1 重组人蛋白,HMGBiotech

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HMGBiotech is a biotech company founded by Marco E. Bianchi, a leading scientist in the HMGB field.HMGB1 is a component of the cell nucleus, with multiple functions in the organization and expression of the genome. When a cell dies because of an insult (a virus, a mechanical or chemical trauma, poisoning) HMGB1 is released and is picked up by receptors in nearby cells. In addition, cells under severe stress secrete HMGB1 even before dying. Surviving cells mount a first-line response -inflammation- and try to replace the dead cells and reconstruct the damaged tissue. HMGB1 promotes recovery and regeneration, for example of the heart after infarction. However, too much HMGB1 is associated to sepsis (excessive inflammation leading to acute distress and eventually death), arthritis, atherosclerosis, and cancer metastasis.HMGBiotech srl provides reagents, services and ideas to other researchers and companies active in this promising field. It also helps the Bianchi lab in developing assays and reagents.HMGBiotech has offices in via Moretto da Brescia 25, 20133 Milano, Italy, and a R&D and production unit within Science Park Raf in via Olgettina 58, 20133 Milano, Italy.

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.com/b305-hmgbiotech/info-1552528305.html

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