请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Zyagen/Equine Spleen Frozen Sections/2851/1 Ea-蚂蚁淘商城

Zyagen/Equine Spleen Frozen Sections/2851/1 Ea


Equine Spleen frozen sections are made of freshly harvested tissues, snapped frozen in OCTblocks, sectioned at a thickness of 7-10microns and mounted on positively charged slides (2 sections per slide).

Quality Control: Tissue sections are H&E stained and examined by histologists with 25 years of experience to be sure of excellent morphology and high quality.

Applications:Frozen tissuesections are prepared in RNase-, DNase-, and protease-free environment and are ideal for immunohistochemistry andin situ hybridization.

Packing/shipping: Frozen sections are shipped in tightly closed slide boxes or slide mailers on dry ice and are good for one year if properly stored.

MSDS and Certificate of Analysis in PDF files:Contact Zyagen Technical Support atzinfo@zyagen.com

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.com/b328-spl/info-1498182165.html

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