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Microspheres-Nanospheres/NIST Traceable Silica Size Standards/147014-10/70nm-10ml


NIST traceable standard microspheres and nanospheres are exceptionally monodisperse particles made of silica.

Currently offered range for nanospheres 50-1000nm and for microspheres 1-100µm (total of about 80 products) making them suitable for most particle-based technologies.

These microspheres and nanospheres are traceable to standards from the national Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The have been measured using well calibrated particle size systems.

Packing: These microspheres and nanospheres provided in an easy-to-dispense format are supplied as a 1.0% solids aqueous dispersions in 10 ml dropper tipped vials.

Application: Our microsphere and nanosphere size standards useful in in many areas of research and development, as well as industrial applications for quality and process control, where the size and size distribution is important. There are may methods to measure the size of objects below 100 micron, however, these systems should be calibrated against standards, where the precise size of microparticles and nanoparticles are important. Examples of such areas are biological applications to determine the size of viruses, bacteria and cellular components; pharmaceutical industry; ceramics, powders, clays, pigments, abrasives, polishing compounds, soils etc.

Other size standards based on alumina and latex are also available.


Scanning Electron Microscopy image of 3±0.025μm (0.83%) NIST traceable silica Size Standard nanospheres

\"\" Scanning Electron Microscopy image of 400±1nm (0.25%) NIST traceable silica Size Standard nanospheres

本文链接: https://www.ebiomall.com/b482-abl/info-1473766542.html

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