Mobitec A Luminator Technology Group Co., RUA JAO DA COSTA 570 BAIRRO SAO CAE CAXIAS DO SUL-RS | Supplier Report — Panjiva
DO IG140418 DECLARACION 3 DE 3;FACTURA(S):069/14;MERCANCIA NUEVA . NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO DO IG140418 DECLARACION 1 DE 3;FACTURA(S):069/14;MERCANCIA NUEVA .NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO DO IG140418 DECLARACION 2 DE 3;FACTURA(S):069/14; MERCANCIA NUEVA .NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRET Goods Shipped DO IG140418 DECLARACION 3 DE 3;FACTURA(S):069/14;MERCANCIA NUEVA . NOS ACOGEMOS AL DECRETO Item Quantity 1000.0 Item Quantity Unit Gross Weight (kg) 2.06 Net Weight (kg) 1.85 Value of Goods, CIF (USD) $107 Value of Goods, FOB (USD) $102 Freight Cost 3.52 Freight Value 5.04 Insurance Cost 0.57 Total Tax Paid 33000 Acceptance Date 2014-05-05 Acceptance Number 32014000680959 Bank Branch ID Bank ID Customs Customs Agent Consecutive Operation 37945 Customs Agent Customs Code C100 Customs Declaration Customs Value 107.11 Declaration Type Declarer Verification Number Deposit Code 99900 Destination Providence Document Identifier 225890073 Document Type Economic Activity 5269 Exchange Rate 1933.46 Flag Code Identification Formula 2014000700000 Import Type Incomex Office Invoice Date 2014-04-22 Invoice Number 069/14 Legal Representative Document 800187197 Legal Representative Name AGENCIA DE ADUANAS ASCOINTER S.A NIVEL 1 Municipality 11001.0 Number Packages Other Costs 0.95 Packaging Code Payment Date 2014-04-25 Payment Form Payment Value 33000 Preprinted Number 32014000680959 Subheadings Tariff Base 207093 Total Paid 33000 User Type Value Added Tax Base 207093 Value Added Tax Paid 33000 Value Added Tax Percentage 16.0 Value Added Tax Subtotal 33000 Value Added Tax Total 33000 Verification Number 55 Water Street, 42nd FloorNew York, NY 10041上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路1065号1609D单元 Request a demo