Fine Science Tools | Scientific & Biomedical Research
Please note the following information for your safety.All surgical instruments and devices from the Fine Science Tools product range are intended exclusively for use in experimental research laboratories and facilities or in veterinary medicine. Our Customer Support is available to answer any questions you may have about the field of application and the material properties. Please note the following information for your safety.All surgical instruments and devices from the Fine Science Tools product range are intended exclusively for use in experimental research laboratories and facilities or in veterinary medicine. Our Customer Support is available to answer any questions you may have about the field of application and the material properties. Upcoming Events AALAS National Meeting:Kansas, MOOctober 18- 20, 2021Texas Med Center: Houston, TXNovember 10, 2021Society for Neuroscience: Chicago, IL November14- 16, 2021 Upcoming eventsThank you for your interest in Fine Science Tools. You will be receiving an email to confirm your subscription.