Innova Biosciences/High Throughput Colorimetric ATPase Assays (inc. PiColorLock)/601-0120/192 assays

This non radioactive colorimetric assay kit contains all the necessary reagents for measuring enzyme activity (everything included in the PiColorlock™ reagent and more) and is ideal for high throughput drug screening.

The kits contain PiColorlock™, a non-radioactive, superior phosphate detection reagent.

Key features of PiColorLock™ include:

  • Colorimetric Assay – competitor assays are radioactive
  • Special additive ensures low backgrounds with acid-labile substrates
  • Unparalleled stability of phosphate-dye complexes
  • Reagent is compatible with almost any assay buffer
  • No inhibition of color development by high concentrations of protein
  • Stable reagent formulation – long shelf life

Colorimetric assays for ATPases are invariably based on the formation of colored complexes between an inorganic phosphate and a dye molecule under acidic conditions.

Comparison with competitors:

Competitor assays are beset with several problems including reagent precipitation. The high stability of PiColorLock™ ensures high stability of the colored dye-phosphate complexes (green color- see below).