
TAXIScan is ECI\'s unique technology to form chemoattractantconcentration gradient in a small space so as to observe cellularchemotaxis movement with good repeatability. Existing model ofEZ-TAXIScan with a mere 10X objective lens, limited conventionalbright-field observation and up to 6 sample simultaneous assays isappreciated well for its easy use of TAXIScan functions.Newly introduced TAXIScan-FL makes fluorescent observationpossible. The equipment is mounted with up to 40X objective lensand bright field observation system with the use of differentialinterferometry. The number of simultaneous assay samples isincreased up to 12 so that higher analysis with enhanced throughputcan be anticipated.


ECI has developed automatic cell imaging counter, CYTORECON.Counting procedure is simple, just pipette the cell suspensionthrough a port on each chamber on the disk and set the disk onCYTORECON. CYTORECON automatically films the cells in 1-6 fields,counts the total number of cells and calculates cell concentration.1-20 samples in a disk can be treated at once.

\'\'Freedom from cell counting with a hemocytometer under thephase-contrast microscope: i.e.Cell Plaza™专为单细胞培养而被开发出来。用于配合100×20mm的培养皿使用,可以用来共培养任何单细胞和饲养层细胞(图1)。细胞毒性实验表明CellPlaza™对细胞来说是安全的(图2)。与此同时,单细胞在Cell Plaza™中培养具有很高的存活率,和96孔板相比具有明显的优势(图3)。 \'\'

CELLtainer – 最佳传质效果

The Single-Use Bioreactor for both Microbial Fermentationand Mammalian cultures!

能够两用于微生物发酵和细胞培养的一 加载原理:使用一个真空泵和储变气压系统,抽吸由弹性硅胶膜制成的培养皿底部,形成负压,使培养皿底部产生拉伸变形,从而使贴壁生长的细胞受到机械牵张。该系统通过自身研制的FlexSoft®FX-5000™软件和FX5K™TensionFlexLink 应力加载控制器对应压力加载大小、作用频率、作用持续时间进行智能定量调控...


Flexcell FX-5000T TensionSYSTEM(应力加载系统)flexcell®F5K细胞应力加载系统为二维细胞和三维细胞提供双轴向应力或单轴向应力,flexcellint并提供StageFlexer Microscopy Tension Device(FX-50

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