Bachem/(Gln²²)-Amyloid β-Protein (1-42) trifluoroacetate salt/H-7844.1000/1 mg
The Dutch mutation (E22Q) aggregates more readily than the wild-type sequence. The resulting fibrils show increased neurotoxicity. Item Number4050945One Letter CodeDAEFRHDSGYEVHHQKLVFFAQDVGSNKGAIIGLMVGGVVIASynonymsAmyloid β-Protein (1-42) Dutch Mutation, Amyloid β-Protein (1-42) E22Q, Amyloid-beta Peptide(1-42), E22Q, (human), Amyloid-beta Protein (1-42) (human), Dutch Mutation, [Gln22] - beta - Amyloid (1 - 42), [Gln22]-Abeta (1-42), (human)Molecular FormulaC₂₀₃H₃₁₂N₅₆O₅₉SRelative Molecular Mass4513.12CAS Registry Number[147335-12-4] netSourceSyntheticStorage Conditions-20 ± 5 °CAreas of Interest Alzheimers Disease Links / Documents:
  • Peptide Calculator
  • MSDS
  • Amyloid Peptides
  • Care and Handling of Amyloid Peptides
Product citations
P.K.Panda et al., Genome Data, 7, 189 (2016) K.Kassler et al., J. Mol. Model., 16, 1011 (2010) K.N.Dahlgren et al., J. Biol. Chem., 277, 32046 (2002)