请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! pBR322 DNA/AluI Marker_蚂蚁淘,【正品极速】生物医学科研用品轻松购|ebiomall -蚂蚁淘商城
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pBR322 DNA/AluI Marker
来自 : mayitao

产品产地: MBI 产品价格:¥390 产品说明书:http://www.fermentas.com 南京:025-83535567 025-83535565
北京:010-59871713 010-59870626">

pBR322 DNA/BsuRI (HaeIII) Marker, 5

Recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of linear double-stranded small DNA fragments in agarose and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels.
pBR322 DNA is digested to completion with BsuRI, purified and dissolved in storage buffer.
pBR322 DNA/BsuRI (HaeIII) Marker is supplied with 6X DNA Loading Dye.

22 fragments (in bp): 587**, 540**, 502, 458**, 434, 267, 234, 213, 192, 184, 124, 123, 104, 89, 80, 64, 57, 51, 21, 18, 11, 8 (oblique fragments comprise 5.4%).


Bands indicated** form unusual pattern in polyacrylamide gels. The shortest fragments (oblique) are not visible in standard electrophoresis. Fragment lengths are predicted by computer analysis of respective DNA sequence.

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