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ZYMO RESEARCH/Direct-zol RNA Miniprep Kits/200 preps/R2053
ZYMO RESEARCH/Direct-zol RNA Miniprep Kits/200 preps/R2053
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Isolate total RNA and small/miRNA from TRIzol without phase separation

  • Easy Handling: Bypass chloroform, phase separation and precipitation steps.
  • NGS-Ready:Ultra-pure RNA without phenol carryover. No DNA contamination (DNase I included).
  • Non-Biased:Complete RNA recovery without miRNA loss.

The Direct-zol™ RNA MiniPrep Kits are RNA purification kits that provide a streamlined method for the purification of up to 50 µg (per prep) of high-quality RNA directly from samples in TRI Reagent® or similar. Total RNA, including small RNAs (17-200 nt), is effectively isolated from a variety of sample sources (cells, tissues, serum, plasma, blood, biological liquids, etc.).Isolation of RNA by conventional phase separation was shown to selectively enrich for some species of miRNA, leading to bias in downstream analysis. The Direct-zol™ method assures unbiased recovery of small RNAs including miRNA.The procedure is easy. Simply apply a prepared sample in TRI Reagent® directly to the Zymo-Spin™ Column and then bind, wash, and elute the RNA. No phase separation, precipitation, or post-purification steps are necessary. The eluted RNA is high quality and suitable for subsequent molecular manipulation and analysis (including RT-PCR, transcription profiling, hybridization, sequencing etc.).The entire procedure typically takes only 7 minutes.Learn More

CompatibilityTRIzol®, RNAzol®, QIAzol®, TriPure™, TriSure™ and all other acid-guanidinium-phenol based solutions can be used in place of TRI Reagent®.
EquipmentMicrocentrifuge, vortex
Sample InactivationTRI Reagent® (provided with R2051, R2053) inhibits RNase activity and inactivates viruses and other infectious agents.
Sample SourceAny sample stored and preserved in TRI Reagent®, TRIzol® or similar (animal cells, tissue, bacteria, yeast, fecal, biological fluids, and in vitro processed RNA (e.g., transcription products, DNase-treated or labeled RNA)).
Size RangeTotal RNA ≥ 17 nt
Yield50 µg RNA (binding capacity), ≥25 µl (elution volume)

Q1: Is DNase I available for individual purchase?

All kit components are available for purchase separately.

Q2: How to store DNase-I following resuspension?

Lyophilized DNase I is stable at room temperature. Once resuspended, store frozen aliquots. Minimize freeze thaw cycles as much as possible. Freeze thaw will lower DNase activity.

Q3: Is the kit compatible with samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield?

Yes, bring samples homogenized and stored in DNA/RNA Shield to room temperature (20-30ºC). Add 3 volume of TRIzol/TRI Reagent and mix well. Proceed with RNA Purification.

Q4: Is Direct-zol suitable for very small numbers of cells?

Yes, the Direct-zol MicroPrep (#R2060) is designed and capable of purifying RNA down to single cell inputs (picogram amounts). A sensitive quantification method is needed (e.g. Qubit, qPCR, etc.)

Q5: Is it possible to extract proteins with the Direct-zol RNA kits?

Yes, proteins can be Acetone Precipitated post RNA binding step. Please request supplementary protocol from Zymo Research Technical Support.

Q6: Is the DNase-I treatment necessary?

If the downstream application requires DNA-free RNA, we recommend performing the DNase I treatment.

Q7: Can samples be stored in TRIzol/TRI Reagent prior to processing?

Yes, samples in TRIzol/TRI Reagent or similar are stable overnight at room temperature and can be stored frozen (-80C). Be sure to lyse and homogenize the sample well prior to freezing. Bring the sample to room temperature prior to RNA Purification.

Q8: Is it possible to isolate DNA with the Direct-zol RNA kits?

Direct-zol DNA/RNA (D2080) kits can isolate DNA from TRIzol

Q9: Is the RNA suitable for Next-Gen sequencing or other sensitive downstream applications?

Yes, the RNA is high quality (A260/A280 >1.8, A260/A230 >1.8) and suitable for any downstream application, including NGS, RT-PCR, hybridization, etc.

Q10: Which phenol-based reagents are compatible with Direct-zol?

The Direct-zol kits are compatible with TRI Reagent, TRIzol, Qiazol, RNAzol, TriPure, TriSure, etc., and any other acid-guanidinium phenol-based reagents.

Q11: What is the difference between the Direct-zol RNA and Quick-RNA kits?

Direct-zol is for samples stored/collected into TRIzol/similar reagents. Quick-RNA is for all other samples.

Q12: What is the difference between the Direct-zol RNA MiniPrep and the Direct-zol RNA MiniPrep Plus?

Both kits function the same, the only difference is the RNA binding capacity of the column provided with the kit.

Q13: I ran out of RNA Wash Buffer. Can I use something else?

Yes, use 80% ethanol as a substitute. RNA Wash Buffer is also sold separately.

“No phase separation was needed, but you still had the benefits of a Trizol extraction. No need to precipitate and resuspend samples, which means less sample loss during purification.”

-Adina B. (University of Guelph)

“This kit is amazing, I"ve got a gel comparing the lack of gDNA as shown in the advertising pamphlet. What can I say, except: I love this product!“


“Direct-zol is the most excellent kit for RNA isolation that I ever used in the past 20 years.”

-H.Z. (Harvard Medical School)
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Cat #NameSizePrice
E1010-1-4DNA Digestion Buffer4 mL$15.00
E1010-1-16DNA Digestion Buffer16 mL$29.00
R2050-1-200TRI Reagent200 ml$219.00
R2050-1-50TRI Reagent50 ml$70.00
C1078-50Zymo-Spin IICR Columns50 Pack$55.00
R1003-3-12RNA Wash Buffer12 ml$30.00
R1003-3-48RNA Wash Buffer48 ml$105.00
E1010DNase I Set250 U$56.00
R2050-2-40Direct-zol RNA PreWash (Concentrate)40 ml$42.00
R2050-2-160Direct-zol RNA PreWash (Concentrate)160 ml$166.00
C1001-50Collection Tubes50 Pack$15.00
R2050Direct-zol RNA Miniprep50 preps$180.00
R2052Direct-zol RNA Miniprep200 preps$555.00
W1001-6DNase/RNase-Free Water6 ml$15.00
W1001-30DNase/RNase-Free Water30 ml$22.00
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