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We offer standalone protease inhibitors (AEBSF, Aprotinin, PMSF, EDTA, etc.), as well as cocktails or combinations of protease inhibitors in liquid, tablet, and larger capsule formats. These cocktails of protease inhibitors can also be purchased in combination with a cocktail of phosphatase inhibitors, in both liquid and tablet form, for even greater convenience.

答案ID:: EC16244


What is the final concentration of each inhibitor included in Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets and Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets, EDTA-free? 产品常问问题

The exact concentration of each inhibitor in Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets and Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets, EDTA-free is proprietary.

答案ID:: EC18754


Does the Halt Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail contain phosphatase inhibitors? 产品常问问题

No, the Halt Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail is a broad-spectrum protease inhibitor that does not contain phosphatase inhibitors.

答案ID:: EC13216


酵母通常被认为可分泌蛋白酶。有些蛋白对于中性pH条件下具有活性的蛋白酶特别敏感。如果遇到这种情况,可以使用无缓冲型培养基进行表达。随着Pichia在无缓冲型培养基如MMH,(基本甲醇加组氨酸)中表达,pH降低至3或更低,使许多中性pH蛋白酶失活。尽管酸性培养环境会阻碍中性蛋白酶发挥活性,您仍然可在Pichia粗提液中加入浓度为1 mM的PMSF和EDTA(每隔几小时添加新的PMSF),并检测蛋白活性。详见Deutscher (1990)著《酶学方法》中的“蛋白纯化指南”。

相反,也有报道称,通过加入1%酪蛋白氨基酸(Difco)和缓冲液处理使培养基pH为6.0,可抑制细胞外蛋白酶,并提高小鼠表皮生长因子得率。详见Clare JJ et al. (1991) Gene 105:205–212.。

此外,较多的液泡蛋白酶可能是一个降解因素,特别是在含高细胞密度和少量细胞裂解液的发酵培养物中。使用缺乏这些蛋白酶的宿主酵母株,可能有助于减少降解。SMD1168和SMD1168H是蛋白酶缺陷型Pichia株,缺乏Pep4p,Pep4p是激活羧肽酶Y和蛋白酶B等其他液泡蛋白酶所需的一种蛋白酶。详见Higgins DR & Cregg JM (1998), Pichia Protocols, Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey。请注意,您可从我们这里订购SMD1168、SMD1168H和Pichia Protocols书籍。

答案ID:: CN9507


Can I use just part of the Pierce Protease Inhibitor XL Capsules, EDTA-Free and save part of the capsule for later use? 产品常问问题

We do not recommend splitting the capsule into smaller portions. Researchers using less than 500 mL should choose a different format (liquid or tablet) of protease inhibitors.

答案ID:: EC16245


Do you offer any of the components of the Pierce protease, phosphatase and (protease and phosphatase) inhibitor tablets and mini tablets individually? 产品常问问题

Yes, the following components of the Pierce protease, phosphatase and (protease and phosphatase) inhibitor tablets and mini tablets are offered separately:

- AEBSF (Cat. No. 78431)
- Aprotinin (Cat. No. 78432)
- Bestatin (Cat. No. 8433)
- E-64 (Cat. No. 78434)
- Leupeptin (Cat. No. 78435)
- Pepstatin A (Cat. No. 78436)
- EDTA (Cat. No. 17892).

答案ID:: EC16233


When stored as recommended at 4 degrees C, Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X) is guaranteed stable for six months from the date of receipt.

答案ID:: EC19192


What protease inhibtors are present in the Halt Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail? 产品常问问题

The inhibitors included in the Halt Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail (Cat. No. 78430) are: AEBSF, Aprotinin, Bestatin, E64, Leupeptin, Pepstatin A, and EDTA.

答案ID:: EC13217


The Pierce protease, phosphatase, as well as (protease and phosphatase) inhibitors are offered as mini tablets, with or without EDTA. Each mini tablet is sufficient for 10 mL of solution and is suitable for reagent preparation prior to protein extraction for cultured cells and tissues. In addition, the Pierce protease inhibitor tablets are offered with or without EDTA and each tablet is sufficient for 50 mL of solution.

Here are the catalog numbers:
-Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets (Cat. No. A32953)
-Pierce Protease inhibitor Mini Tablets, EDTA-free (Cat. No. A32955)
-Pierce Phosphatase Inhibitor Mini Tablets (Cat. No. A32957)
-Pierce Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Mini Tablets (Cat. No. A32959)
-Pierce Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Mini Tablets, EDTA-free (Cat. No. A32961)
-Pierce Protease Inhibitor Tablets (Cat. No. A32963)
-Pierce Protease Inhibitor Tablets, EDTA-free (Cat. No. A32965)

答案ID:: EC16228


Are there any considerations when adding protease inhibitors to the CER I and NER Reagents? 产品常问问题

EDTA-free Halt Protease and/or Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktails (e.g., Cat. No. 78425) can be added to CER I and NER reagents. Most commercially available protease inhibitor cocktails are also compatible; however, avoid protease inhibitors that contain alcohols. Because the concentration of the CER I and NER Reagents are critical, do not dilute these reagents by more than 5% when adding protease inhibitors.

答案ID:: EC8198






         qPCR则是实时定量靶序列,通常被用来测定生物分子的丰度,而不是生成终产物。“有了qPCR,研究人员就不再关心PCR产物发生了什么。他们的问题是:开始时有什么?突变是否存在?”罗氏的技术服务科学家Joe Donnenhoffer谈道。


         对于标准PCR仪和定量PCR仪之间的选择,研究人员通常都心里有数。不过,说到qPCR和dPCR之间的选择,研究人员就没那么有把握了,有时也需要帮助。据Bio-Rad的高级营销经理Viresh Patel介绍,这个选择通常取决于研究人员的应用和他们想要回答的问题。“当我们听到拷贝数分析或突变检测时,数字PCR通常能提供一个更好的答案,更明确的答案,”Patel说。不过对于高通量应用,qPCR则更实际。


大多数用户以96孔形式运行PCR反应,通常使用0.2 ml PCR管。当然也还有其他形式,适合更高的通量或不同的样品量,如0.5 ml管。比比科技(Bibby Scientific)的Prime仪器允许不同大小的PCR管插在同一模块上。当同一实验室中的不同人在进行不同的PCR检测时,这特别有用。

尽管一些PCR仪有着固定的样品模块,但很多都是可以互换的。在购买之前,我们应充分考虑未来的计划。“研究人员应避免有那种‘我们一直都用这种’的心态,考虑一下96孔模块以外的形式,”Streck的产品经理Nicole Quackenbush谈道。


除了模块式的PCR之外,你还有另一个选择,那就是转子式的PCR仪,它通过加热周围的空气而控制温度。Qiagen仪器业务的主管Carola Schade解释道:“转子式的系统就像一个烤箱。这种形式能实现明显更快的加热和冷却循环,以及更精确地达到特定温度。”



罗氏的Donnenhoffer鼓励客户考虑他们目前的通量需求,以及5-10年后可能的通量需求。罗氏的LightCycler 1536系统能够在1小时内同时处理1536个样品。比比科技的Prime仪器能单独处理384个样品,但也能连接在一起,实现更高的通量。

其他系统,比如Bio-Rad的CFX384 Touch实时定量PCR系统,也利用384孔形式,但增加了自动化转板的优势。据介绍,有了这个384孔的系统及自动化,你每天可运行20块板。




据比比科技的产品经理Jim Bratherton介绍,PCR仪需要某些共同的组件来维持正常功能,比如加热元件、电源和触摸屏。“因此,高性能的热循环仪具有一定的最小体积。小型化始终被限制在某种程度。”





Which protease and phosphatase inhibitor tablets do you offer? 产品常问问题 答案 Are there any considerations when adding protease inhibitors to the CER I and N...

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