请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Luminex/MagPlex® Microspheres/MC10007-YY_蚂蚁淘,【正品极速】生物医学科研用品轻松购|ebiomall 蚂蚁淘商城
Luminex/MagPlex® Microspheres/MC10007-YY
Luminex/MagPlex® Microspheres/MC10007-YY
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MagPlex® Microspheres

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Magnetic microspheres offering improved washing efficiency and the ability to measure up to 500 targets simultaneously

MagPlex® Microspheres

Similar to MicroPlex® Microspheres, MagPlex® Microspheres are carboxylated polystyrene microparticles, or “beads,” that have been dyed into spectrally distinct sets, or “regions,” allowing them to be individually identified by an xMAP® instrument. These uniquely coded beads provide a user an addressable substrate on which to perform multiple bio-analytical reactions in a single well.

There are several advantages to MagPlex Microspheres over traditional MicroPlex Microspheres.

MagPlex Microspheres are magnetic, and with the use of a magnetic separator, they can be separated from solution quickly and easily. This improves percent recovery during handling and wash steps and facilitates assay automation.

Additionally, MagPlex Microspheres are available in 500 unique regions, enabling the development of assays which can measure up to 500 different analytes in the same well.

These beads are universally compatible with all xMAP Instruments. MagPlex Microspheres open the door to Luminex’s MAGPIX® instrument, which was designed as a simple and easy to use instrument with a smaller foot print.

All microspheres are general use components for further manufacture of xMAP bioassays.

MagPlex Microspheres are available at a concentration of 2.5 million and 12.5 million beads/mL and can be ordered in one mL and four mL vial sizes. MagPlex Microspheres are also offered in a variety of custom volumes. Please see the MagPlex Custom Volume Ordering Guidelines or contact Luminex to inquire about custom volume options.

IMPORTANT: MagPlex microspheres require the use of xPONENT® software.

MagPlex Microsphere Part Numbers



  • Surface carboxyl groups
  • Superparamagnetic
  • 500 Regions available
  • Compatible with all xMAP Instruments
  • Multiple vial sizes available
  • Multiple concentrations available
  • Same reliable coupling chemistry as MicroPlex
  • 5X Increased multiplex capability
  • Improved washing efficiency
  • Ideal for automated applications
  • No need for expensive filter plates
  • Available in low concentration, for small scale and assay development applications

Instruments compatible with these microspheres

Luminex 200 InstrumentLuminex 100/200

Ordering Information

If you have any questions or require further assistance placing your order, please contact our Order Management Team.
Email:[email protected]
Toll Free:1-866-401-5450
Fax (Europe, Middle East, India, Asia):+31 (0)73 800 1998
Reagent Shipping Policy
All MagPlex Microsphere orders, one and four mL volumes, ship within three business days of order receipt. However, backordered items may have longer than normal lead times. MagPlex Microspheres have a maximum shelf life of five years from the date of manufacture and all MagPlex Microspheres are guaranteed to have a minimum remaining shelf life from the date they ship. Group A and B regions have a minimum shelf life of six months from the date of shipment and Group C regions have a minimum shelf life of three months from the ship date. Please see product part numbers below before placing your order, to see which regions are compatible with your instrument.

Part Numbers

To ensure maximum compatibility and availability, new assay developers should always begin with the Group A regions, moving into Group B then Group C regions only when necessary for higher-plex assays.

NOTE: Group C regions are only available in one mL vial sizes. NOTE: Group C regions <100 have MC12XXX catalog numbers. NOTE: [XXX] = region # >100

Vial Sizes:

[-YY] = [-01] for one mL; [-04] for four mL; or [-ID] for one mL Low Concentration Please contact Luminex to inquire about custom vial sizes.
MagPlex Microsphere Part Numbers
RegionPart NumberInstrument CompatibilityRegion Group
1MC12001-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
2MC12002-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
3MC12003-01 FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
4MC12004-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
5MC12005-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
6MC12006-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
7MC10007-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
8MC10008-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
9MC10009-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
10MC12010-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
11MC12011-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
12MC10012-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
13MC10013-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
14MC10014-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
15MC10015-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
16MC12016-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
17MC12017-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
18MC10018-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
19MC10019-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
20MC10020-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
21MC10021-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
22MC10022-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
23MC12023-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
24MC12024-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
25MC10025-YY (Available in Low Concentration)All xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
26MC10026-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
27MC10027-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
28MC10028-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
29MC10029-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
30MC10030-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
31MC12031-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
32MC12032-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
33MC10033-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
34 MC10034-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
35MC10035-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
36MC10036-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
37MC10037-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
38MC10038-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
39MC10039-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
40MC12040-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
41MC12041-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
42MC10042-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
43MC10043-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
44MC10044-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
45MC10045-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
46MC10046-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
47MC10047-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
48MC10048-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
49MC10049-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
50 MC12050-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
51MC10051-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
52MC10052-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
53MC10053-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
54MC10054-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
55MC10055-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
56MC10056-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
57MC10057-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
58MC10058-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
59MC10059-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
60MC12060-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
61MC10061-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
62MC10062-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
63MC10063-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
64MC10064-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
65MC10065-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
66 MC10066-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
67MC10067-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
68MC10068-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
69MC10069-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
70MC10070-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
71MC12071-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
72MC10072-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
73MC10073-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
74MC10074-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
75MC10075-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
76MC10076-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
77MC10077-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
78MC10078-YYAll xMAP InstrumentsGroup A
79MC10079-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
80MC10080-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
81MC10081-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
82MC10082-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
83MC10083-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
84MC10084-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
85MC10085-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
86MC10086-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
87MC10087-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
88MC10088-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
89MC10089-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
90MC10090-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
91MC10091-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
92MC12092-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
93MC10093-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
94MC10094-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
95MC10095-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
96MC10096-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
97MC10097-YY Luminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
98MC10098-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
99MC10099-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
100MC10100-YYLuminex 100/200 and FLEXMAP 3DGroup B
101+MC10XXX-01FLEXMAP 3D OnlyGroup C
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