Anti-KillerRed antibodycat.# AB961Rabbit polyclonal antibody against KillerRed, KillerOrange, ArrestRed, and JRedPRODUCTCAT.#SIZEPRICEDATA SHEETSThe prices do not include delivery. The prices vary in different countries. Please contact your local distributor for exact prices and delivery information.Anti-KillerRedantibodyAB961100 μg€ 220SpecificityThe antibody has been selected to recognize both denatured and native KillerRed,KillerOrange, ArrestRed, and JRed.ImmunogenFull-length recombinant denatured KillerRed.ReconstitutionReconstitute with sterile water or 50% glycerol.StorageLyophilized samples are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C. The presence of silica gel drier is advisable.Reconstituted with sterile water, antibody can be stored at +2 – +8°C for three months without detectable loss of activity.Reconstituted with 50% glycerol, antibody can be stored at -20°C in a manual defrost freezer for six months without detectable loss of activity. Aliquot antibody upon reconstitution. Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.UseWestern blotImmunoblottingICCELISANotice to Purchaser:These products are intended for research use only.
Evrogen双链体特异性核酸酶选择性切割ds DNA和DNA-RNA杂交双链体中的DNA。广泛用于全长富集的cDNA标准化和用于下一代测序的标准化RNA-seq文库的构建。