SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix | MCE
SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix 是一种 2× 浓度的即用型预混液,含有 qPCR 的所有组分, 只需加入样品 DNA,引物和水即可快速高效完成 qPCR 反应。 1.客户无需承担相应的运输费用。 2.同一机构(单位)同一产品试用装仅限申领一次,同一机构(单位)一年内 可免费申领三个不同产品的试用装。 3.试用装只面向终端客户。 注册 MCE会员 并 完成审核 即刻享有 哈根达斯、星巴克、KFC、百果园 等专属礼券 mRNA expression of AB, SO, CD, OC, NA and GP genes in H-GFP and H-5A cell lines assessed by RT-qPCR. Relative expression of MDM2, p21, Survivin, PUMA, BAX and Bcl2 genes in N-3a treated cells compared to controls. The Super Hot-Start SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use qPCR cocktail. It contains a novel Taq DNA Polymerase, unique hot start reagents, optimized buffer, SYBR Green I, dNTPs, PCR Enhancer and PCR stabilizer. qPCR Master Mix is provided at 2× concentration and can be used at 1× concentration by adding template, primer, passive reference dye (optional) and ddH2O.MCE qPCR Master Mix can be directly used for robust and low-template quantitative PCR with high sensitivity, specificity and reliability. Two separate tubes of ROX Reference Dye are included for use with instruments that require a high or low level of reference dye for rectify the error of fluorescence signals between different wells.1. Ready to use.2. Optimized buffer enhances specificity and reduces primer-dimer formation.3. High sensitivity, specificity and reliability.4. Passive reference dyes are provided for different qPCR instruments. Stored at -20°C protecting from light, and is stable for up to 18 months. Avoid repetitive freeze-thaw cycles while using. For immediate use, components may be stored at 2-8°C. MedChemExpress (MCE) 只为有资质的科研机构、医药企业基于科学研究或药证申报的用途提供医药研发服务,不为任何个人或者非科研性质的、非用于药证申报使用等其他用途提供服务。 站点地图 隐私声明