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· Plasmid Mini and Maxi Prep Methods (Gimila Lab)

· Maxi-preps and all media, solutions (NWFSC)Isolation of cosmid, plasmid and P1 DNAs via diatomaceous earth-based Maxi, Midi and Mini-preps, and the non-diatomaceous earth-based Mini-prep.

  • Large Scale Plasmid Preparation (Donis Keller Lab)For recovery of highly purified recombinant plasmid DNA using a CsCl2 gradient.

· Plasmid Maxiprep (Bowtell Lab)

· Large scale double-stranded DNA isolation (Roe Lab)Provides protocol of isolating double-stranded DNA from plasmid or cosmid by the alkaline lysis procedure followed by equilibrium ultracentrifugation in cesium chloride-ethidium bromide gradients and diatomaceous earth-based purification method

· Large Scale Plasmid, Cosmid, BAC, PAC, and Fosmid DNA Isolation by a Cleared Lysate Method Followed by Double Acetate Precipitation (Roe Lab)

· CsCl Prep. of Plasmid DNA (Mike A. Dyer)This is a standard large scale prep. for plasmid DNA which gives a yield of 0.5 - 1.0 mg.

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